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  • Desc:When it comes to food additives, most people hear about it. Maybe you always want to avoid food additives, but you never understand its mystery. As a commonly used food additive, sodium hexametaphosphate is a high-quality food improver with its performance meeting requirements and good safety. The following will uncover the mystery of the food additive sodium hexametaphosphate.


  • Desc:The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate food additive, what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. What should be paid attention to when adding sodium tripolyphosphate in food?


  • Desc:Water retention agent refers to a kind of substance which can improve the stability of products, keep the internal water retention of food water retention agent and improve the shape, flavor and color of food. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate helps to maintain the water content in food. It is mainly used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance the water stability and high water holding capacity.


  • Desc:Sodium pyrophosphate usually exists in two forms, decahydrate and anhydrous. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate is more widely used. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a common legal food additive in food, while industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate is widely used in water treatment, printing and dyeing, washing and other industries.


  • Desc:With the fast pace of modern life, people have become accustomed to a variety of foods. Without food additives, many foods in life would not exist. In China, there are currently more than 2,500 types of food additives allowed. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate/TSPP is one of these food additives. Next, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you the use of food grade sodium pyrophosphate/TSPP in food processing.


  • Desc:With the increasing consumption power of people, food is becoming more and more colorful. Food moisture retention agent plays an important role in food industry. Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the food additive water retention agents.


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