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The application of calcium formate in pig raising allows you to spend less

Because the growth performance of pigs is not perfect, diarrhea is one of the most important clinical diseases at present. After the onset of piglets, the weight gain is reduced, and severe dehydration can lead to death, which has become a major factor affecting the growth of piglets. Acidic environment is conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria. Although Acidifiers are being renewed, calcium formate is currently commonly used as an acidifier to supplement calcium, while inhibiting the invasion and reproduction of harmful bacteria, reducing the incidence of diarrhea and other diseases in animals.

Calcium formate has the following characteristics:
1. Calcium formate can replace stone powder by 1:1.5. Although stone powder has high calcium content, it is not suitable for the intestinal environment of weaned piglets. However, the small molecule formic acid contained in calcium formate does not need the participation of gastric acid in the dissolution process, and the utilization rate of weaned piglets with imperfect gastrointestinal function is very good.

2, calcium formate can also improve the feed and its dietary pH, make up for the deficiency of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid in the stomach of the piglets, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of Escherichia coli and other pathogenic bacteria, and at the same time, promote the growth of some beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, and improve the digestibility of pig feed nutrients.

3. Calcium formate will not be deliquescent, good fluidity, neutral PH value will not cause equipment corrosion. It is an ideal feed acidifier that can prevent nutrients such as vitamins and amino acids from being destroyed by adding directly into feed.

In the past, whey powder was recommended to be used in most piglets'diets. However, because whey powder mainly depended on imports, it was expensive, used in large quantities, easy to dehydrate and cake, difficult to store and other shortcomings, it was difficult to promote the use of whey powder in medium and small feed factories and farms for a long time. But now there are independent high-quality Acidifiers in China. The application of calcium formate in pig breeding can replace whey powder, so that you can spend less money.
calcium formate feed additive

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