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There are certain principles for the use of sodium tripolyphosphate in food additives

With the development of society, people have a certain understanding of some basic food additives, but still wonder why food additives must be added to food? In fact, if food additives such as sodium tripolyphosphate were not added to food, there would not be so many rich and balanced foods in our daily life.

Food additives are not without approved standards, they all need to pass the formal national test standards. So, what is the principle of using sodium tripolyphosphate in food additives?

1. Food corruption should not be concealed.
2. Should not cause any health hazard to the human body.
3. Quality defects in the food itself or during processing should not be covered up or food additives used for the purpose of adulteration, adulteration, or forgery.
4. Minimize the use of food in the food on the premise of achieving the expected results.
5. The nutritional value of the food itself should not be reduced.

The food grade sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chuandong Chemical Group is produced by thermal process, using food grade phosphoric acid and food grade soda ash, and strictly controlling the content of impurities and heavy metals.

food grade sodium tripolyphosphate
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