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  • Desc:Organic acids can play an effective role in antibacterial and bacteriostasis. There are single or Compound Acidifiers, liquid and solid Acidifiers. Feed grade calcium formate has the function of organic calcium acid, which can supplement the missing calcium element in livestock, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in livestock intestines, and play the role of acidifier.


  • Desc:Chemical formula of sodium hexametaphosphate: na6p6o18. It is a polar inorganic compound, soluble in water, with a relative density of 2.484 and a melting point of 616 ℃ (decomposition). The solubility in water is large, but slow.


  • Desc:Ice and snow accumulation in winter not only affects traffic, but also brings serious hidden danger to traffic safety. At present, there are two ways of snow melting and deicing: mechanical snow removal and chemical snow removal. Mechanical deicing is fast and efficient, but it has some disadvantages, such as poor rate of deicing, easy to damage the road surface, and many places such as sidewalk can not be removed. The deicing method of chemical deicing agent can make up for the shortage of mechanical deicing, which is an effective method of deicing. Potassium formate can not only be used as foliar fertilizer, but also as an organic snow melting agent.


  • Desc:Condiments, meat products, edible oil, dairy products, drinks, etc. are all necessities of daily life. Some food additives will be used in the production and processing process. The use of additives also makes people more concerned about "safety on the tip of the tongue". Sodium tripolyphosphate is widely used in food additives.


  • Desc:In order to deal with the heavy snow and freezing weather, snow melting agent has become the first choice of snow melting under the environment of highways and bridges, and timely snow melting also ensures the smooth and safe traffic. Today, Chuandong chemical will tell you the main characteristics of environmental friendly potassium formate snow melting agent.


  • Desc:The temperature decreases, the rain increases, and the cement and concrete can't reach the expected use intensity. It's very troublesome in the construction engineering in autumn and winter. The main function of early strength agent is to accelerate the rate of cement hydration and promote the development of early strength of concrete. The addition of calcium formate has not only the function of early strength, but also the function of reducing water and strengthening.


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