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The feed additive potassium diformate makes the non-resistance breeding scheme prevent more than cure

Anti-resistance breeding is under the actual conditions that scientific breeding management does not require antibiotics, or antibiotics can be used less. Some feed additives that can replace antibiotics make non-anti-breeding solutions not in treatment, but more in daily regulating the intestinal health of animals, reducing the occurrence of diseases and reducing the use of drugs. Potassium diformate is an effective substitute for feed antibiotics with its excellent antibacterial and health care properties.

In the breeding process, many pig farms will have many areas using the same health care program, but the situation of disease is not the same. Facing the complex breeding environment and diversified breeding methods, how to achieve resistance-free and green breeding?

First of all, those antibiotics that do not meet the regulations can be eliminated first, or different alternatives can be given for the different types of antibiotics added in the current farming.

Potassium diformate is a new type of feed additive, a non-antibiotic animal nutrition product with growth promoting properties. First look at the main mode of action of potassium diformate is through the antibacterial effect of formic acid and formate, which is caused by the dissociation of PD in the gastrointestinal tract. The antibacterial effect is mainly due to the non-dissociated form of formic acid; the concentration of non-dissociated acid increases with decreasing pH.

Because potassium diformate contains formic acid has a strong killing effect on pathogenic bacteria, and can improve its growth performance. Formic acid diffuses passively through the bacterial cell wall, disturbing the fine pH balance in the cytoplasm, leading to fatal disruption of energy balance and biochemical processes. Bacterial cell enzymes and nutrient transport systems are also inhibited, thereby inhibiting the bacteria's ability to reproduce.

Secondly, potassium diformate contains 36.4% formic acid, 34.6% formate and 30% potassium, which can improve the feed conversion rate of livestock. The corn-soybean based diets were supplemented with 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4 and 2.8% potassium diformate. The potassium diformate group increased the daily gain of the average added group by 13%, daily feed intake by 9%, and feed conversion rate by 4%. Compared with the untreated group, adding 2% PD increased body weight by 22%. According to the level of addition registered by European authorities within 1.8%, weight gain can be increased to 14%. The feed intake of the same dose of feed increased significantly.

For the breeding management personnel of the farm, to really solve the abuse of antibiotics and realize the breeding without resistance, we still have to work harder in breeding. The effect of the feed additive potassium diformate on the microflora is considered to be the main mode of action, and there is no risk of microbial resistance. It reduces the incidence of E. coli and Salmonella in meat products, simplifies the work of disease and nutrition, realizes breeding without resistance, improves efficiency and increases benefits, and is more conducive to food safety.

Potassium diformate
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